We are delighted, and humbled, in equal measure, to announce the IGBC Gold rating received for the New Plasser India
and how they can be solved with Dry Construction Methods 1. Dry Construction methods have higher Thermal and Sound Insulation
and how we can help you bust the myths! 1. Dry Construction methods might have high Cost Implications The prefabricated
Kashmir University Administration Building Featured on Archivoice
December 30, 2020
Kashmir University Leh Satellite Campus Featured on Archivoice
December 30, 2020
Kashmir University Administration Building Featured on Archidust
December 30, 2020
Kashmir University Leh Satellite Campus featured on archidust
December 30, 2020
Landmark Village Development Featured on Archivoice
December 7, 2020
Kashmir University Featured on Digital Wissen
December 7, 2020
Feature Article in Architecture India Oct’20 Issue
December 2, 2020
Feature Article in SSMB Nov’20 Issue
December 2, 2020
Feature Article in ACE Update on Facades
December 2, 2020
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