Psychrometry is the science of “feeling comfortable” in a given set of conditions, by utilizing the variables of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Air Speed.
Each of these factors affect human comfort, and ASHRAE has generated data for generally accepted comfort conditions for human beings. This data/ benchmark, is used to predict the behavior of buildings.
Obviously, weather changes both seasonally and diurnally. And, the same building ,with the same set of defined conditions, may become “comfortable” or “ uncomfortable” during the same day, as weather varies.
By using electro mechanical gadgets, indoor conditions in the building can be largely controlled and be made” constant”. The simplest, yet most capital and energy intensive example is Comfort Air Conditioning.
The opposite end of the spectrum is Passive Solar Design. Examples of the same are traditional techniques derived from vernacular building systems, in terms of the wind-towers developed by indigenous builders in sub Saharan regions.
The Oshodi Mall, on of our upcoming projects utilises a mix of the traditional and contemporary means… viz. Natural Ventilation/ Convection through Stack Effect and ability to introduce variable air speed through HVLS fans.
The Psychrometric Charts prepared by ANA Design Studio’s team, are representative predictions of the percentage time, when the food court and atrium will be close to, or in Comfort Zone.
These charts, obviously, are for worst case scenarios and average of the same for all months. What this means, is that if done well, this building should remain in the Comfort Zone, in over 80% usable time…As a capital/ operating and energy cost which is a fraction of conventional systems in similar buildings.