We are delighted, and humbled, in equal measure, to announce the IGBC Gold rating received for the New Plasser India manufacturing facility at Karjan, Gujarat.
A very special “THANK YOU!” to the Plasser India Pvt Ltd Managing Director, Mr. Siegfried Fink, for reposing his trust in the ANA Team, often times, through very trying circumstances.
Our gratitude is also due, in no small measure to our construction partners and associates, Desai Construction Pvt. Ltd., Kreya Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, Arising Infrastructure, Harmony Projects, Interarch Building Projects Pvt Ltd, CE Comfort Engineers Pvt Ltd, Akshar ElecInfra Pvt. Ltd., Prajukti Consultants, SPAN Structures, Envergy Projects Ltd., Cryogas Equipment Pvt. Ltd., and DPAP Consultants.
We seek everyone’s blessings, continued support and patronage, to continue our endeavor to bring the best building design and engineering services to life!!
Swipe right to know the green building criteria on which the project was evaluated.